Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Getting my rant on: Death of 1up, and why I'll probably only read kotaku for now on

Wow.  1up is dead, just when I finally found the perfect source for paid gaming news.  I have (for a long time) read only kotaku and Destructoid, almost exclusively, as these publications offered the best, unfiltered gaming news.  Their editorials made the most sense, they are actually funny, and they're actually fun to read.  They have an entire community backing them up, they have tons of features daily, and most news is instantly posted on their site, so im always ontop of the industry.  I don't have to get the news through ads, finding out weeks before something comes out that a game is coming, and i don't have to read through a thousand digg comments before i hear news or rumors.  I had long decided i wouldn't read publications like Game Informer or Hardcore gamer because they were slow to press (Being print publications) and i wouldn't read Gamespot since the rumors of paid reviews began to have merit, and i wouldn't read IGN because I often disagreed with their reviews.

Then I found EGM, 1up, and the 1up show.  They talked to lead members of game development crews about games, instead of PR people.  They wrote editorials on why the ps3 was tanking, and interviewed people from sony about why certain promised features were cut.  They had the balls to say "we wont review metal gear solid 4" when Konami had the audacity to tell reviewers not to mention the install times, load times, or length of cutscenes.  Their reviewers had names, faces, likes and dislikes.  They had personalities, features about gaming culture, not just game reviews.  They talked about industry jobs, and how to get them, and interviewed people with those jobs.  They had features about japanese games, imported them to try them and actually talked about their significance.  Their rumors were normally true, informed and ontime.  They had a podcast, a video blog, each reviewer had a blog, the entire community was a mini facebook where you could speak with the reviewers themselves.  And their video blog had features, like interviewing developers for things other then their games, like their interests and their background.  Infact, developers even perferred 1up over most publications, having blogged on the website themself.  It made sense to me, this is how printed publications should work.  Apparently, not so much.

In order for a printed publication to work, you need a contract with the biggest game store to give out free copies of your mag.  In order for a printed publication to work, you need to take it in the ass from big name publishers and say "Yes sir, we will not talk about these flaws from your game, despite the fact that they may affect the experience."  Apparently, in order for your publication to work, you need to be like cosmo or people, and be a giant ad.  Its impossible to be a sophisticated gaming publication, its impossible to be independent.  Someone needs to own you, someone needs to be your boss.  You must submit to the hive mind, advertise games, used is just as good as new, cheaper too.  Gamers don't care about culture, community or art, people or independence, nor the industry they buy from.  Gamers want Tits, ads, gore, good reviews for the tripple A's, bad reviews for the unheard of games.  They want constant coverage of GTA and Halo, they want to be told these games are good, and that they should go buy them.  Their is no interest in independent publications.  Apparently, Cliffy's opinion doesn't matter, despite the fact he made the game your thumbs desire.

No, gamers want tits, high scores, good marks, guns and blood.  Thats what matters right? your gamer score?  You inability to get laid?  What you will spend your money on next?  How to get headshots?  Top 10 reasons why Japanese games don't make sense?  These are the things you want to hear, because you're a gamer.  You are a simple creature, and you are satisfied by violence humor and sex.  Shakespeare was right I suppose.

Am i being out rageous? Yes, but I think what im saying has some merit.  I can't recal another magazine that prints what their editors really think.  I can't think of another magazine that prints editorials.  I can't think of another magazine that goes over gamer culture and niche communities, like the hidden arcades of san fran and new york, or the hand made goods made by loving gamers.  I can't think of another publication that would review and interview Alec Holowka.  I can't think of a publication that would import Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and review it.  I can't think of any publication who would do all these things, and now, none will.

I can only hope, deeply, that rev3 takes up the fired members of 1up and give them a show, blog, site and the like.  But from now on all we will see is more of the same.  Gamer girls!  They're cute and they play games (In their underwear).  How to unlock alternate colored stinger in halo 3!  OMG god of war 4 already being planned?!  Inteview with Lara Croft, says "She wants your phone number!"  New DLC for gears says they will make lancer also have optional gun attachment, making first gun with mounted chainsaw with mounted gun in gaming history!  Break through! Innovative!  Video Games!

Fingers crossed UGO does it right, or Rev3 picks up where 1up left off.  Fingers crossed, or we might as well submit to a stereo type.

1 comment:

  1. I totally see where you're coming from.

    But in my opinion, all hope is not lost.

    Check this out:
    And give them some support =]
